Legal Submissions


Direct Legal Challenges

  • ECRE and International Commission of Jurists v. Greece, Complaint No. 173/2018, European Committee on Economic and Social Rights


European Court of Human Rights

UN Mechanisms

UN Special Procedures

Domestic Courts

  • Poland, Supreme Administrative Court, Case II KK 148/22, May 2023 (text in Polish)
  • Italy, Constitutional Court, Amicus Curiae, Case 10034/19, July 2021 (text in Italian)
  • Poland, Supreme Administrative Court, Case II OSK 2315/20, March 2021 (text in English and in Polish)
  • Italy, Council of State, Intervention Ad adiuvandum, Case 4809/2019, June 2019 (text in Italian)
  • Amicus curiae before the Czech Constitutional Court in the case 4 Azs 115/2014 – 40, April 2015 (text in English and Czech)

Implementation of judgments