MEDITERRANEAN: New Joint Report Highlights Extreme Violence on Land Routes Towards Africa’s Mediterranean Coast ― NGO Appeals to Cypriot Courts on Behalf of People Trapped in Buffer Zone ― Greek Court Acknowledges Racist Motives in 2018 Anti-Migrant Attacks on Lesvos ― CoE Urges Greece to Treat Migrants and Refugees with ‘Dignity and Humanity’ ― Investigation Reveals Frontex Failure to Report Migrant Abuses

MEDITERRANEAN: New Joint Report Highlights Extreme Violence on Land Routes Towards Africa’s Mediterranean Coast ― NGO Appeals to Cypriot Courts on Behalf of People Trapped in Buffer Zone ― Greek Court Acknowledges Racist Motives in 2018 Anti-Migrant Attacks on Lesvos ― CoE Urges Greece to Treat Migrants and Refugees with ‘Dignity and Humanity’ ― Investigation Reveals Frontex Failure to Report Migrant Abuses

The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the International Organization for Migration and the Mixed Migration Centre have published a new joint report in which they highlight the extreme violence directed against people moving along land routes towards Africa’s...