30 April 2015
ECRE would like to express our deepest appreciation to Ana Fontal, ECRE Senior Press and Public Information Officer, for her invaluable contribution to the ECRE Weekly Bulletin.
Ana’s immense expertise, passion and inspiration have ensured that the ECRE Weekly Bulletin readers receive a top-quality and accurate overview of developments in asylum in Europe every Friday afternoon. Under her direction, the Weekly has relentlessly highlighted the impact of asylum policies on refugees’ lives. Her ‘non-journalistic, overly lawyery’ colleagues are indebted to her ability to ‘weeklycize’ complex issues to make the weekly available to a broad audience. Over the years, Weekly Bulletin ‘newcomers’ have benefitted from Ana’s guidance, patience and unmerciful editing. Ana’s sense of humour has helped ease the multiple IT crises that the Weekly has had to suffer.
After 7 years, Ana will be leaving ECRE next week. She will be sorely missed in ECRE and all her colleagues would like to wish her the very best for her future endeavours.
This article originally appeared in the ECRE Weekly Bulletin of 30 April 2015. You can subscribe to the Weekly Bulletin here.