Greece: Systematic Pushbacks Continue by Sea and Land as MEPs Demand EU Action, Deaths Up Proportionate to Arrivals, Number of People in Reception System Reduced by Half – Mitarachi Still Not Satisfied 

Greece: Systematic Pushbacks Continue by Sea and Land as MEPs Demand EU Action, Deaths Up Proportionate to Arrivals, Number of People in Reception System Reduced by Half – Mitarachi Still Not Satisfied 

As reports and evidence of pushbacks by sea and land continue to mount, a delegation of MEPs is demanding action from the European Commission following a visit to Greece. While arrivals have significantly decreased since the peak in 2015-16, the proportion of people...
AIDA Update: The implementation of the Dublin III Regulation in 2021

AIDA Update: The implementation of the Dublin III Regulation in 2021

The latest statistical report by AIDA, managed by ECRE, provides an update on developments in legislation, policy and practice relating to the application of the Dublin III Regulation in 2021, as well as a short overview on the suspension of Dublin transfers following...