Policy Papers

 Relying on RelocationBilateral Agreements: Implementing or Bypassing the Dublin Regulation?Asylum at the European Council 2018: Outsourcing or Reform?EU External Cooperation and Global Responsibility Sharing: Towards an EU Agenda for Refugee ProtectionPrinciples...

Policy Notes

 Migration Control Conditionality: a flawed modelSchengen: a Club where Fundamental Rights (DO NOT) Matter?Time to Commit: Using the Global Refugee ForumMaking the CEAS Work, Starting TodayBorder Procedures: Not a PanaceaMigration Mission Creep?Return Policy:...

ECRE Publications

Policy Notes Comments Papers Policy Papers Working Papers Legal Notes AIDA Publications List of ECRE PublicationsAccess, Borders, Schengen – CEAS – EU External Relations – Vulnerable groups – Resettlement, Complementary Pathways and Relocation – Return – EU Charter of...
#VoicesOfECRE: Francesca Zalambani

#VoicesOfECRE: Francesca Zalambani

Interview with Francesca Zalambani ECRE Legal Assistant   ECRE is an alliance of 104 NGOs across 41 European countries and its diverse membership ranges from large INGOs with global presence to small organisations of dedicated activists. Members’ work covers the full...