AIDA 2019 Update: Austria*

AIDA 2019 Update: Austria*

The updated AIDA Country Report on Austria documents numerous legislative, policy and practice developments relating to the asylum procedure, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers, and content of international protection. It draws particular attention to...
Weekly Editorial: About Time Too

Weekly Editorial: About Time Too

At the EU-Turkey border the situation remains alarming, and ECRE continued to speak out against the actions of the Greek government and the apparent support from the EU’s political leadership, and to promote the alternative response set out in our statement and urged...
ECRE Statement on the Situation at the Greek Turkish Border

ECRE Statement on the Situation at the Greek Turkish Border

Stay Calm, Stay Human ECRE is highly concerned about the political developments emanating from last week’s events in Idlib, Syria and urges calm and measured response, focused on accepting refugees and sharing responsibility across Europe. ECRE condemns acts of...