52 People Jump Fence into Melilla while 40 Arrested

52 People Jump Fence into Melilla while 40 Arrested

On 12 May 52 people jumped the border fence between Morocco and the Spanish enclave of Melilla. Another 40 attempted but were arrested by Moroccan authorities. In the early morning around 100 people of sub-Saharan origin attempted to climb the fence into Melilla,...
EU Report Links Drop in Arrivals to Spanish Moroccan Cooperation

EU Report Links Drop in Arrivals to Spanish Moroccan Cooperation

According to an internal EU report obtained by The Associated Press Spain’s cooperation with Moroccan authorities contributed to a significant decrease in arrivals of migrants and refugees in Spain. NGOs raise concern about human rights violations. Intensified...

AIDA 2018 Update: Slovenia*

The updated AIDA Country Report on Slovenia provides the latest developments in the country concerning the asylum procedure, reception conditions, detention and content of international protection. Asylum procedure In 2018 no legislative changes were made, however the...