Mediterranean: In Advance of Council Agreement on Crisis Package Med 9 Urged Support to “Front-line” States as Greece Praised own Deterrence Policies and Italy Attempted to Broaden Instrumentalisation Scope Amid New National Decrees, Maltese Non-response Continues – NGOs Save Lives

Mediterranean: In Advance of Council Agreement on Crisis Package Med 9 Urged Support to “Front-line” States as Greece Praised own Deterrence Policies and Italy Attempted to Broaden Instrumentalisation Scope Amid New National Decrees, Maltese Non-response Continues – NGOs Save Lives

Prior to the Council agreement on a regulation on crisis situations, including instrumentalisation of migration, and force majeure in the field of migration and asylum, nine southern member states urged support to “front-line” countries and increased surveillance...
Greece: Forty Survivors of Pylos Tragedy File Criminal Complaint Against Authorities, Minister Resigns over Blue Horizon Death, Pushback Orders to Border Guards Given by Top Officials, Refugees Evacuated from Camps to House Flood Victims, Non-response to Distress Calls Continue

Greece: Forty Survivors of Pylos Tragedy File Criminal Complaint Against Authorities, Minister Resigns over Blue Horizon Death, Pushback Orders to Border Guards Given by Top Officials, Refugees Evacuated from Camps to House Flood Victims, Non-response to Distress Calls Continue

Forty survivors of the deadly Pylos shipwreck filed a criminal complaint demanding an immediate investigation of the tragedy. The minister of shipping expressed “shock” and resigned after the incident of Blue Horizon, owned by the same company that detains and arrests...
Greece: Forty Survivors of Pylos Tragedy File Criminal Complaint Against Authorities, Minister Resigns over Blue Horizon Death, Pushback Orders to Border Guards Given by Top Officials, Refugees Evacuated from Camps to House Flood Victims, Non-response to Distress Calls Continue

Greece: Company Accused of Locking Up Migrants Below Deck Implicated in Death of a Passenger, Non-assistance, Non-response, Delayed Assistance and Pushbacks Continue, Alliance with Italy to Strengthen Cooperation on Migration, EU Court’s Ruling on Frontex Raises Questions about Accountability as Greek Court Compensates a Refugee Over Unjust Detention

Charges were brought against crew members of a ferry owned by Attica Group, notorious for locking up migrants in dire conditions below deck, over the death of a passenger pushed into the sea. Ongoing crossings, deaths, pushbacks and delayed assistance at land and sea....