Greece: Ongoing Pushbacks and Tragedies – More Reports Highlight the Country’s Inhumane and ‘Failing’ Asylum System – ECtHR Rules Against the Authorities

Greece: New Year Starts as It Ended with Shipwrecks, Pushbacks and Violence Against People on the Move, Greek Authorities Once Again Condemned Over Violations of Refugee and Asylum Seekers’ Rights, Solidarity with Migrants Back on Trial

A Human Rights Watch report notes an increase in arrivals in 2023 and far-right violence against people on the move. Shipwrecks, distress alerts and pushbacks continue in 2024 on the migratory routes to Greece. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) condemns Greek...
Greece: Ongoing Pushbacks and Tragedies – More Reports Highlight the Country’s Inhumane and ‘Failing’ Asylum System – ECtHR Rules Against the Authorities

Greece: Decrease in Arrivals Amidst Ongoing Pushbacks and Ill-treatment of Refugees; Rights Organisations Denounce Lack of Credible Investigation into Pylos Tragedy Amid Ongoing Calls for Accountability; Türkiye Opens a “New Era” of Co-operation with Greece After Years of Tension

The Greek migration ministry noted a decrease in arrivals by 33 per cent amid ongoing reports of pushbacks, violence and violations of refugee rights. A new report by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch criticised the lack of progress investigations have made...
Greece: Ongoing Pushbacks and Tragedies – More Reports Highlight the Country’s Inhumane and ‘Failing’ Asylum System – ECtHR Rules Against the Authorities

Greece: Ombudsman Opens Investigation into Deadly Pylos Shipwreck Amidst Ongoing Deadly Crossings, NGOs Demand Humane Reception Conditions, “Nothing unusual” Says Commission President Defending Her Summer Holiday at Greek PM’s Villa

The Greek Ombudsman opened an investigation into the Pylos Shipwreck that left nearly 700 dead five months ago amid ongoing deadly crossings to Greece. NGOs released a joint statement calling for an end to the inhumane conditions in the country’s reception centers....
Greece: Ongoing Pushbacks and Tragedies – More Reports Highlight the Country’s Inhumane and ‘Failing’ Asylum System – ECtHR Rules Against the Authorities

Greece: New Report Confirms the Cycle of Violence and Abuse at Greek Borders as Court Rejects Charges of Facilitation of Illegal Entry for Refugees, More Scrutiny over Hellenic Coast Guard Role in Pylos Tragedy 

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) report adds to mounting evidence of violations along the borders of Greece. “Groundbreaking” decisions by the Court of Syros recognise that refugees cannot commit the offense of facilitation of illegal entry of third nationals and of...