Weekly Editorial: Conditions in Hotspots are chilling

Weekly Editorial: Conditions in Hotspots are chilling

It is hardly a surprise to anyone that the conditions in the so-called refugee “hotspots” in Greece and Italy is extremely problematic. However, when the criticism comes from the European Court of Auditors (ECA: a highly respected oversight body) it should stimulate...
FRA reports that migrant child protection is still grave concern

FRA reports that migrant child protection is still grave concern

The Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) reports that the treatment of asylum seeking and migrant children is still a reason for grave concern in many parts of Europe. Their latest summary report on migration-related fundamental rights underlines the inadequate living...
Building fortress Italia by introducing “a wall of laws”?

Building fortress Italia by introducing “a wall of laws”?

Last week the Minniti-Orlando immigration decree-law was approved by the Italian Senate and this week by the lower parliamentary chamber, despite criticism from civil society organisations and the Magistrates’ Association. The Italian Association for Legal Studies on...