In a meeting organised by the Moroccan Human Rights Association (AMDH) and ECRE member CEAR, it was agreed that a network of Moroccan organisations will be created in order to protect the rights of sub-Saharan immigrants and refugees currently living in Morocco.
Said Tbel, from AMDH, told ECRE that the network aims at putting pressure on the government to establish a national asylum system, and to recognise the 850 persons who UNHCR has declared to be refugees. Currently refugees recognised by UNHCR are not allowed to work and do not have a residence permit. Furthermore, the organisations are also calling on the government to grant protection to Syrians.
The establishment of the network also responds to serious concerns regarding the violation of asylum seekers’ and migrants’ human rights by Moroccan authorities that have been frequently reported. A report by Doctors without Borders shows that sub-Saharan migrants in Morocco live in precarious conditions and with the constant fear of being detained or deported.
CEAR has claimed that the recent arrivals of hundreds of migrants in Ceuta and Melilla, Spanish cities in the coast of Morocco, are motivated by the violation of their human rights by the Moroccan authorities. Estrella Galán, CEAR’s Secretary General, said that the recent assaults against the fence of Melilla were desperate actions of people who have been in Morocco for months in deplorable conditions and facing severe repression.
- 04.10.2013
European Commission, Commission Proposes to open negotiations on Visa Facilitation with Morocco - 01.10.2013
CEAR, Creation of a new network to defend the rights of Sub Saharan refugees and migrants in Morocco - 13.09.2013
ECRE Weekly Bulletin, Morocco urged to establish new asylum and migration policy that protects the human rights of migrants - 04.09.2013
BBC News, Morocco accused of human rights breaches over migrants - 12.09.2013
RFI, Morocco announces a new migration policy (In french) -
Moroccan National Human Rights Council, Thematic report on situation of migrants and refugees in Morocco foreigners and human rights in morocco: for a radically new asylum and migration policy -
Doctors without Borders, Violence, Vulnerability and Migration: blocked in Europe’s doors – A report on Sub-Saharan migrants in irregular situation in Morocco
This article originally appeared in the ECRE Weekly Bulletin of 4 October 2013
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