Monash University has issued a call for papers for an international conference on the challenges faced by asylum seekers in gaining access to international refugee protection.

The conference will take place in Prato, Italy, on 29-30 May 2014. Abstracts should be submitted by 5pm, 8 November 2013 and it is intended that selected papers from the conference proceedings will be published.

Papers are particularly welcomed on the following topics: Externalising borders – disruption of travel, interdictions of ‘unlawfuls’ and offshore warehousing; ethical implications; The standard of asylum – temporary protection statuses and rights (including urban refugees); Access to asylum in situations of conflict and post-conflict; Privatising the border – the effect of privatisation on detention practices plus standard of care services provided to asylum seekers; Effective denial of access to asylum – adverse security assessments and exclusion cases; Safe third country and accelerated procedures; Gender and access to asylum; Decision-making structures and asylum (case-loads, approval rates, comparison of 1–2 tier systems); and Country guidance cases – a comparative approach.

The aim of this international conference is to determine how best to safeguard the rights of asylum seekers in balance with the responsibilities of states. It will analyse relevant standards under regional instruments, international human rights law, and the 1951 Refugee Convention.

This article originally appeared in ECRE Weekly Bulletin 27 September 2013.

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