AIDA update: Poland introduces a State legal aid system

3 December 2015 The updated AIDA report on Poland details how the recast Reception Conditions and Asylum Procedures Directive were transposed into national law. The major change in this regard is constituted by the introduction of a State legal aid system. From...

AIDA update Hungary: new asylum legislation contravenes EU rules

3 December 2015 The updated AIDA report on Hungary documents how the country’s asylum system was overhauled over the summer of 2015 through a series of legislative reforms. Hungary adopted a list of ‘safe countries of origin’ and ‘safe third countries’, designating...

Tusk calls new Turkey summit to finalise migration deal

27 November 2015 On 29 November, EU Heads of State and governments will meet with Turkey with the aim of adopting a Joint Action Plan, EU Council President Donald Tusk announced last Wednesday. The meeting follows a series of high level talks between the European...

Rights of the child outlined in Fundamental Rights Agency handbook

27 November 2015 The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has released a new handbook that aims to raise awareness and improve the knowledge of the legal standards that protect and promote children’s rights in Europe. Among the range of substantive...

Sweden tightens asylum rules

27 November 2015 Temporary legislation is to be introduced in Sweden to restrict the number of people seeking asylum to the ‘EU minimum’. With Sweden having taken the largest number of asylum seekers per capita of all countries in the EU over the last few years, the...