Asylum seekers transferred from northern Italy to Taranto hotspot

Last week, approximately 100 persons staying in the Via Corelli reception centre in Milan were transferred by  bus to the Taranto hotspot (approximately 1,000km south of Milan), where migrants and asylum seekers are being unlawfully detained. Similar incidents have...
Policy Note: Untying the EU Resettlement Framework

Policy Note: Untying the EU Resettlement Framework

ECRE’s policy note analyzes the proposal for an EU resettlement framework and sets out ECRE’s recommendations for breaking the link with migration control and preserving the humanitarian focus of resettlement. Read the note

ECRE alliance gathers at its Annual General Conference in Berlin

Over 150 participants gathered in Berlin from 12 to 14 October for ECRE’s Annual General Conference 2016. The AGC was hosted by ECRE’s German members, Diakonie Deutschland, PRO ASYL, Red Cross Germany, Caritas Germany, AWO and Der Paritätische, with Diakonie taking...