Global resettlement needs on the rise, while opportunities decline

Global resettlement needs on the rise, while opportunities decline

UNHCR has recently published its “Projected Global Resettlement Needs in 2019”, which reveals a widening gap between the number of refugees in need of resettlement and the places made available by governments around the world. According to the report, 1.4 million...
Editorial: Lost in Externalization Fantasyland

Editorial: Lost in Externalization Fantasyland

Despite a flurry of last-minute initiatives it looks likely that there will be no significant agreement on migration at the June European Council. Indeed, at the COREPER meeting of EU Member State Ambassadors this week even agreements that appeared to have been...
Merkel negotiating CEAS amid government coalition melt-down

Merkel negotiating CEAS amid government coalition melt-down

The German Minister of Interior, Horst Seehofer sparked a crisis between Christian Democrats (CDU) and sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU) with his 63 point “migration master plan” that was postponed shortly before it was set to be released. Reportedly the...
ECRE/ELENA Legal Note on Ageing Out and Family Reunification

ECRE/ELENA Legal Note on Ageing Out and Family Reunification

ECRE and the ELENA Network have published a new Legal Note on the right of unaccompanied children who “age out” to family reunification in light of international and EU law. The relevant moment for determining whether an applicant can be regarded as a child can have a...
Your Day Your Voice: 68 quotes from people in refuge across Europe

Your Day Your Voice: 68 quotes from people in refuge across Europe

On World Refugee Day June 20, 2018 the Global Trends report from UNHCR reveals that 68.5 million people are forcibly displaced across the globe. 25.4 million are refugees and 85% of them are hosted in developing regions. For the small percentage that have reached...
Editorial: Counter-actions speak louder than words

Editorial: Counter-actions speak louder than words

The stand-off over the Aquarius rescue ship revealed yet again the tragic humanitarian consequences of Europe’s migration policy. But for every action there is a reaction and it also showed that every negative inhumane action will be met with countless positive...