Germany: Data on Decision-Making Reveals BAMF Shortcomings

Germany: Data on Decision-Making Reveals BAMF Shortcomings

New data on asylum decisions in Germany shows that the majority of asylum claims were well-founded. A high number of negative asylum decisions were overturned upon appeal, which illustrates the need for better decision-making. Allegations of fraud against the BAMF...
Rohingya Students Expelled from School in Bangladesh

Rohingya Students Expelled from School in Bangladesh

According to Human Rights Watch (HRW), Bangladeshi officials have ordered secondary schools near the refugee settlements in the Cox’s Bazar district to dismiss students with Rohingya background who lack Bangladeshi citizenship. HRW urges the Bangladeshi government to...
Last Breath of Operation Sophia Should Push Coalition of the Willing

Last Breath of Operation Sophia Should Push Coalition of the Willing

The decision of the EU Member States on Operation Sophia, an EU Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) mission, has caused consternation – and rightly so. The Mission’s mandate has been renewed for six months but will no longer involve maritime presence. Ending the...

AIDA 2018 Update: Greece*

The updated AIDA Country Report on Greece tracks numerous legislative, policy and practice developments relating to the asylum procedure, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers, and content of international protection. Substantial asylum reforms, driven by...

AIDA 2018 Update: Turkey*

The updated AIDA Country Report on Turkey offers a comprehensive analysis of legislative, policy and practice developments relating to the asylum procedure, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers, and content of international protection. The report draws on...
Operation ‘Sophia’ is Given Six More Months Without Ships

Operation ‘Sophia’ is Given Six More Months Without Ships

The EU will extend the mandate of its military operation in the Mediterranean for six month but no longer deploy naval ships, as member states cannot agree on disembarkation arrangements. The scaled down naval presence raises concerns about deaths at sea and people...
UK: Home Office Detention Melt-down

UK: Home Office Detention Melt-down

As the result of what the Independent labels a “detain first, ask questions later” approach applied by the Home Office 15.200 of 24.674 removal orders for deportation of migrants from the UK issued in 2018 were cancelled. The figures were released amid debate about...