Refugees Caught in the Crossfire of Latest Clashes in Libya

Refugees Caught in the Crossfire of Latest Clashes in Libya

The escalating conflict in Libya between rival governments is deteriorating the situation for refugees and migrants in the country. As General Khalifa Haftar advances on Tripoli, many have been trapped in detention centres and caught in the crossfire of the latest...

AIDA 2018 Update: Germany

The updated Country Report on Germany provides a detailed overview of developments in the asylum procedure, reception conditions and detention, as well as content of international protection. The political agreement of 12 March 2018 between German federal coalition...

AIDA 2018 Update: Italy

The updated Country Report on Italy provides a detailed analysis of legislative developments introduced by Decree Law 113/2018, implemented by L 132/2018, as well as practice relating to asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention and content of protection....
Costa Rica Struggles with over 60,000 Fleeing from Nicaragua

Costa Rica Struggles with over 60,000 Fleeing from Nicaragua

Around 62,000 people have fled from Nicaragua since the political and social crisis started a year ago, most of them sought asylum in Costa Rica. The Nicaraguan government says that it will implement a program to guarantee the safety of returnees. According to the...
Editorial: Here We Go Again

Editorial: Here We Go Again

With news breaking of another rescue ship stranded in the Mediterranean, ECRE reiterates its call on Member States to reach the agreement that is within their reach on the Mediterranean crisis. The European Commission should focus its efforts on facilitating an...
An EU Agreement on Reform of Frontex

An EU Agreement on Reform of Frontex

An agreement has been reached on the reform of Frontex, the European Border and Coastguard (EBCG). This week, the co-legislators, the European Parliament and the Council, agreed on a revised version of the proposal launched by the European Commission in September...