ECRE has published a paper under the FRAME project to examine the Reception Conditions Directive and its recast in light of Articles 41 and 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
One of the main aims of the FRAME project is to promote the use of the Charter amongst legal practitioners working in the area of asylum and migration. As a result, this paper intends to illustrate how the Charter, as interpreted by the Court of Justice of the EU and in light of the European Convention on Human Rights, informs the interpretation and implementation of the Reception Conditions Directive and its recast.
Some of the topics covered in the paper include detention guarantees for detained applicants, the right of residence and freedom of movement, and the reduction and withdrawal of material reception conditions. Other publications will be released next year as part of this project which will focus on asylum procedural guarantees and reception and detention conditions in light of the Charter.
This article originally appeared in the ECRE Weekly Bulletin of 20 December 2013
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