“The ECRE Policy Note series introduces a new shorter format to provide a succinct overview of our positions, drawing on the rigorous detailed analysis that is heart of ECRE’s work. The format is intended to ensure that the broadest possible audience is reached,” says Catherine Woollard, ECRE Secretary General.
The first three policy notes are available at the ECRE website and we will present the following editions in the Weekly Bulletin as they are produced.
ECRE’S Policy note assesses legal provisions and practice on mutual recognition and recommends reforms to create a common status valid across the EU.
ECRE’s Policy note provides an overview of the main changes in the proposal to recast the Dublin Regulation and presents its recommendations for the EU policy-makers working on the recast.
ECRE’s Policy note analyzes the proposal for an EU resettlement framework and sets out ECRE’s recommendations for breaking the link with migration control and preserving the humanitarian focus of resettlement.