10 April 2015
France terre d’asile, along with 11 other French NGOs have denounced that since Thursday 31 March, the French authorities have forced more than a thousand migrants to move from makeshift camps around Calais to a new site in the proximity of the new day centre ‘Jules Ferry’.
The organisations condemned the decision of the French authorities to relocate the migrants to a former old garbage dump lacking basic infrastructures, such as electricity, access to water, toilets or garbage collection services, therefore promoting the creation of a slum. In addition, the area is located several kilometres out of Calais, according to France terre d’asile, in a clear move to isolate the migrants and keep them out of sight.
The NGOs urged the authorities to provide adequate shelter to the migrants by ensuring that electricity, sanitary infrastructures and drinkable water are made available on site. They request that all asylum seekers have access to accommodation, including those who are awaiting return to other countries under the Dublin procedure.
The day centre «Jules Ferry» provides access to showers, toilets, electricity points, as well as advice on migration and asylum issues. The centre also includes accommodation for 50 women and children, but not for men. The organisations acknowledged that the opening of the day centre is a step in the right direction but they remain concerned about the appalling conditions faced by more than 1,000 migrants currently living nearby.
For further information:
- Auberge des Migrants, Calais Ouverture et Humanité, Salam, la Cimade, Emmaüs-France, Emmaüs-Europe, Emmaüs-International, France Terre d’Asile, Médecins du Monde, Salam, Secours Catholique Caritas France, Press Release – Calais : les associations dénoncent un “non-accueil” organisé, 2 April 2015
- France Terre D’Asile (FTDA), Press Release – Calais: De l’encampement précaire toléré au sous-camp organise. La défaite de la pensée ?, 2 April 2015
- The Guardian, ‘At night it’s like a horror movie’ – inside Calais’s official shanty town, 6 April 2015
- The Guardian, Life in Calais’s new migrant slum – in pictures, 6 April 2015
- Le Monde, Images: the new jungle in Calais, 3 April 2015
This article originally appeared in the ECRE Weekly Bulletin of 10 April 2015. You can subscribe to the Weekly Bulletin here.