9 May 2014

The closing conference of the ECRE-led project Right to Justice: Quality Legal Assistance for Unaccompanied Children will take place in Brussels on 7 July. The project’s findings will be presented as well as the comparative report on access to and quality of legal assistance for unaccompanied children in immigration and asylum procedures in seven EU Member States (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Italy, Spain and the UK) and a set of principles and indicators.

The conference is targeted at practitioners and policy makers from Member States, European institutions and other international organisations.

Participants can register here. For further information please contact Elona Bokshi (ebokshi@ecre.org) or Hélène Soupios-David (hdavid@ecre.org).

This article originally appeared in the ECRE Weekly Bulletin of 9 May 2014.
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