According to UNHCR, 78,000 South Sudanese nationals have now fled to neighbouring countries since mid-December. More than half have headed for Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

32,505 refugees have sought refuge in the Dzaipi transit centre in Uganda, initially designed to only host 400 people. UNHCR is working with the Ugandan authorities to set up additional camps.

“At the reception centre, food, shelter, water and clothing are a problem. It’s a hard situation here, so if there is a way out, to help my country South Sudan to have peace so that we can return home, I would be very happy,” states Martha, a refugee who fled the violence heavily pregnant and arrived in Uganda.

With fighting continuing in parts of South Sudan and the slow progress in the political talks, UNHCR foresees further displacement both within and beyond the borders of South Sudan. There are now 355,000 internally displaced people in South Sudan, up from 200,000 last week.

This week, over two hundred asylum seekers fleeing the violence across the White Nile have died after their boat sank.

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This article originally appeared in the ECRE Weekly Bulletin of 17 January 2014
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