On 23 June, Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a report highlighting the harrowing conditions faced by unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in the Pozzallo hotspot. During their visit on 9 June 2016, HRW found that the centre was hosting 365 asylum seekers – over...
by Elisa Maimone, Consiglio Italiano per i Rifugiati – CIR (Italian Council for Refugees)* Italian law prescribes that unaccompanied children cannot be placed in detention centres or in reception centres for adults. However, in practice unaccompanied minors...
In a recently released report, Human Rights Watch highlighted the many shortcomings and delays faced by unaccompanied minors in Sweden. The report, entitled Seeking Refuge, documented the long waits faced by children until a legal guardian is appointed, which is...
ECRE member France terre d’asile has launched a campaign called #ReunissezLes, #ReuniteThem to raise awareness about the plight of hundreds of unaccompanied children living in Calais. In the campaign, they are portrayed as superheroes on a mission filled with...