Policy Note: Time to Commit: Using the Global Refugee Forum

Policy Note: Time to Commit: Using the Global Refugee Forum

ECRE has published a Policy Note on the implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) in and by Europe and set out recommendations for the EU and its Member States (MS) to pledge to the Global Refugee Forum. The Global Refugee Forum will be an important...
At a Time of Change in Europe – it is Time to Change Europe

At a Time of Change in Europe – it is Time to Change Europe

Statement: Annual General Conference of the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) 23-24 October 2019 in Brussels, Belgium  The 104 strong ECRE membership representing 41 countries is meeting in Brussels in the heart of Europe at a time of change. A new...

ECRE Policy Note: No Reason for Returns to Afghanistan

ECRE published a Policy Note this week which looks at the treatment of applications for international protection from Afghan nationals, considering recent policies and guidelines and the approach of national courts. Afghan nationals were the second highest group to...
EP ELECTION 2019 #YourVoteOurFuture

EP ELECTION 2019 #YourVoteOurFuture

Many of us are deeply shocked to witness a European political debate and reality dominated by a small but loud minority of far-right populists and their anti-EU, anti-democratic and anti-civil rights agendas carried forward and legitimised by racist slogans demonising...