UNHCR and ECRE are organising a roundtable meeting entitled:
A new era for refugee protection in Europe? The Pact and beyond: opportunities seized or squandered?
to take place on Thursday, 24th September 2020 (9h30 – 13h30) in The Press Club Brussels Europe, Rue Froissart 95, Brussels 1000
After some years when asylum and migration have been addressed in a crisis mode, the new Pact on Asylum and Migration is due at the end of September. It is an opportunity for the EU and its Member States to change direction. Will the Pact attain this objective?
Beyond the Pact, what are the other priorities for the EU in the domain of asylum and migration? Analysis of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) shows implementation gaps and deliberate, serious flouting of the law, particularly in regard to access to territory and the procedure. The COVID-related emergency has exacerbated and accelerated the use of restrictive measures but has also led to – albeit limited – positive changes.
With this Roundtable we aim to get a general overview of the political agenda for the coming year on asylum and migration. The latter part of the Roundtable will provide an opportunity for civil society representatives to share their plans and strategies on the Pact and other priorities, with all welcome to contribute.
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