28 February 2014

A report published on 21 February on the implementation of the Global Approach to Migration and Mobility (GAMM), adopted by the European Commission, shows that in the period 2012-2013 more than 90 migration-related projects have been supported with more than €200 million in developing countries. With regards to international protection in particular, 15 new projects have been launched in 2012-2013 in 20 countries worth of €25 million.

The document reviews the implementation of EU external migration and asylum policy through bilateral and regional dialogues. In particular, the report reviews the progress of the implementation of Visa Liberalisation Action Plans (VLAP) in the Western Balkans, Moldova and Ukraine, and the implementation of Mobility Partnerships with Georgia, Moldova and Armenia and Cape Verde. New Mobility Partnerships have been concluded with Azerbaijan and Morocco, while negotiations with Tunisia are being finalised and discussions with Jordan have significantly advanced. Among the lessons learned included in the report is the need to make Mobility Partnerships more balanced and reflect all thematic priorities, particularly human rights and international protection; the need for greater coherence between EU external relations and internal policies; and finally, deeper and more sustained involvement of Member States, and strengthened expertise at the level of EU Delegations, which could conduct analysis and reporting of migration and asylum related issues and promote dialogue and cooperation locally.

According to the report, the GAMM should further explore the potential of the Visa Code to the fullest, especially in view of the Commission proposals to review it in 2014. International protection needs to be better incorporated in all bilateral and regional dialogues, says the report. It is suggested to examine how the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) could contribute to capacity building in third countries, especially in the framework of Mobility Partnerships, drawing on Member States asylum experts. Reference is made to the Regional Protection Programmes (RPPs) and the need to improve them, including also greater engagement by the EU and Member States.

This article originally appeared in the ECRE Weekly Bulletin of 28 February 2014
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