ECRE has published a Policy Note that analyses the European countries’ practices and policy reactions to the situation in Afghanistan, with focus on access to protection in Europe, evacuations, resettlement and safe pathways to Europe.

After the fall of the Afghan government, the EU suspended its development aid of 1.2 Billion Euro pledged during the Geneva Donor Conference on Afghanistan. It has emerged as a leading humanitarian donor to Afghanistan and to Afghan refugees in the neighbouring countries. The Policy Note welcomes the EU’s significant increase in humanitarian aid. It argues that the complex situation in Afghanistan requires a multidimensional and holistic EU approach that goes beyond this to also covers the continuation of evacuation of Afghan local staff and Afghans at risk, ensures access to asylum in Europe for Afghans coming thought their own means and increases safe and legal channels to protection in Europe.

This Policy Note highlights the challenges that Afghan asylum seekers are facing in Europe, evacuation challenges in different European countries and access to resettlement and safe and legal pathways to Europe. It ends with a set of recommendations to the EU and to European governments.

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