Adoption of the Global Compact on Migration

Adoption of the Global Compact on Migration

After over a year of intergovernmental negotiations, the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration was adopted at the Intergovernmental Conference on Migration in Marrakesh on December 10 2018. The Global Compact marks the enhanced cooperation on...
Children in Migration: Collateral Damage?

Children in Migration: Collateral Damage?

Despite harsher approaches to refugees and migrants in Europe there is an almost universal view that children should be exempt from restrictive measures, even among those who are hostile towards migration in general. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)...
The Struggle Continues for Civilian Search and Rescue in the Med

The Struggle Continues for Civilian Search and Rescue in the Med

Released after being detained in Malta for four months, the search and rescue vessel Sea-Watch 3 is returning to its mission as part of a joint fleet alongside the Spanish organisation Open Arms and Italian partner Mediterranea. With the Aquarius chartered by Médecins...