Editorial: Here We Go Again

Editorial: Here We Go Again

With news breaking of another rescue ship stranded in the Mediterranean, ECRE reiterates its call on Member States to reach the agreement that is within their reach on the Mediterranean crisis. The European Commission should focus its efforts on facilitating an...
Last Breath of Operation Sophia Should Push Coalition of the Willing

Last Breath of Operation Sophia Should Push Coalition of the Willing

The decision of the EU Member States on Operation Sophia, an EU Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) mission, has caused consternation – and rightly so. The Mission’s mandate has been renewed for six months but will no longer involve maritime presence. Ending the...
Operation ‘Sophia’ is Given Six More Months Without Ships

Operation ‘Sophia’ is Given Six More Months Without Ships

The EU will extend the mandate of its military operation in the Mediterranean for six month but no longer deploy naval ships, as member states cannot agree on disembarkation arrangements. The scaled down naval presence raises concerns about deaths at sea and people...