UK: Renewed Critique of Failed Policies, Doubtful Efforts to Fix “Broken Asylum System” and Clear “Chaotic Backlog”, UK-France Deal “Doomed to Fail” Union Says Amid Deaths on the Channel, Poor Healthcare in Reception Facilities “Adds Trauma on Trauma”

UK: Renewed Critique of Failed Policies, Doubtful Efforts to Fix “Broken Asylum System” and Clear “Chaotic Backlog”, UK-France Deal “Doomed to Fail” Union Says Amid Deaths on the Channel, Poor Healthcare in Reception Facilities “Adds Trauma on Trauma”

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) urges the UK to comply with its international obligations to safeguard and advance the rights of people on the move. The conservative party wants to return Albanian...
UK: Renewed Critique of Failed Policies, Doubtful Efforts to Fix “Broken Asylum System” and Clear “Chaotic Backlog”, UK-France Deal “Doomed to Fail” Union Says Amid Deaths on the Channel, Poor Healthcare in Reception Facilities “Adds Trauma on Trauma”

UK: Braverman Denounced for Welcoming a Report Calling for a Crackdown on Asylum Seekers, Albanian Children Go Missing Amid UK-Albania Negotiation to Return Asylum Seekers to “safe” Albania, Reports of Inhumane Conditions in Reception Facilities Continue Emerging, No Afghans Resettled to UK Despite Promises

Braverman “welcomes” a report calling for a radical crackdown on asylum seekers while UNHCR criticised it for “factual and legal errors”. Investigation reveals that 20 per cent of Albanian child asylum seekers go missing from reception facilities amid UK-Albania...
UK: Renewed Critique of Failed Policies, Doubtful Efforts to Fix “Broken Asylum System” and Clear “Chaotic Backlog”, UK-France Deal “Doomed to Fail” Union Says Amid Deaths on the Channel, Poor Healthcare in Reception Facilities “Adds Trauma on Trauma”

UK: Channel Crossings Continue Despite Ongoing Deterrence, Government Urged to Return Albanian Asylum Seekers Including Victims of Trafficking, UK Accused of “hypocrisy” Over Posturing on Survivors of Violence, Manston Scandals Keep Emerging 

Number of arrivals to the UK has passed 42,000 and continue despite ongoing deterrence efforts and harsh weather conditions. Leading Tory MPs and ex-ministers are demanding the swift return of Albanian asylum seekers including survivors of trafficking. Amnesty...