Mediterranean: New Deadly Tragedies as NGO SAR Operators Fight to Save Lives in the Face of Crackdown by Italy, Malta Reiterates Debunked Pull Factor Myth and Floats Ideas of Increased Cooperation with Libya 

Mediterranean: New Deadly Tragedies as NGO SAR Operators Fight to Save Lives in the Face of Crackdown by Italy, Malta Reiterates Debunked Pull Factor Myth and Floats Ideas of Increased Cooperation with Libya 

Two separate deadly tragedies have claimed at least eight lives on the Mediterranean as NGO rescue ships fight to save lives amid new attempts by the Italian government to limit and criminalize their operations. Maltese Minister recycles debunked myth of NGO SAR...
Balkan Route: Commission’s Plan Focus on Returns, Reports of Pushbacks Continue Amid Investigations Highlighting Systematic Violence, EU Admits Croatia to Schengen Without Regard to Abuses at the Border

Balkan Route: Commission’s Plan Focus on Returns, Reports of Pushbacks Continue Amid Investigations Highlighting Systematic Violence, EU Admits Croatia to Schengen Without Regard to Abuses at the Border

The Commission’s action plan on Western Balkans is centred around border management, returns and readmission to third countries. The new study “Black Book of Pushback” documents 25.000 violent pushbacks across the EU amid investigations underlining systematic violence...