UK: EU to Strengthen Cooperation with “friends” on Migration Amid Ongoing Critique of UK Bill, Home Secretary Claims Migrant Labour Harms the Country’s ‘National Character’, Regulations Providing Housing Protection to Be Removed

UK: EU to Strengthen Cooperation with “friends” on Migration Amid Ongoing Critique of UK Bill, Home Secretary Claims Migrant Labour Harms the Country’s ‘National Character’, Regulations Providing Housing Protection to Be Removed

British government’s “Illegal Migration Bill” continues to receive severe critique as EU to team up with “friends” on cross-channel migration. Home Secretary is accused of being “racist” and “economically illiterate” for claiming that migrant labour harms the...
UK: EU to Strengthen Cooperation with “friends” on Migration Amid Ongoing Critique of UK Bill, Home Secretary Claims Migrant Labour Harms the Country’s ‘National Character’, Regulations Providing Housing Protection to Be Removed

UK: Coastguard “Effectively” Ignores Distress Calls of People Crossing the Channel, Home Office Describes Return of Albanians as “Milestone” While Albanian Prime Minister Denounces UK, Officials Told to Look at “All Options” to House People Caught in Backlog

Around 440 people appear to have been left adrift on four different dates in early November 2021 as coastguard “effectively ignored” distress calls. Home Office announced the return of over 1000 Albanian nationals while the Albanian Prime Minister says that the...
UK: Asylum Bill Passed Third Reading at House of Commons Amid Widespread Critique, Court of Appeal Told Rwanda Scheme Risk Breaches of the Geneva Convention, Current Asylum Accommodation System Running on De-facto Detention and Segregation

UK: Asylum Bill Passed Third Reading at House of Commons Amid Widespread Critique, Court of Appeal Told Rwanda Scheme Risk Breaches of the Geneva Convention, Current Asylum Accommodation System Running on De-facto Detention and Segregation

The “Illegal Migration Bill” passed its third reading at the Commons and will now go to the House of Lords amid widespread critique from experts. In the latest stage of the legal battle over the Rwanda scheme, Court of Appeal was told that Rwanda is an authoritarian...