Mediterranean: 2023 is Record Year for Number of Migrant Deaths Along Borders ― Obstacles and Delays in Sea Rescue by Libyan and Italian Coastguards Lead to Death ― Cyprus’ Quest to Declare Syria a Safe Country Gains Traction ― The El Hiblu 3 Trial Continues Amid Questions Over Latest Tragedy Off Malta

Mediterranean: 2023 is Record Year for Number of Migrant Deaths Along Borders ― Obstacles and Delays in Sea Rescue by Libyan and Italian Coastguards Lead to Death ― Cyprus’ Quest to Declare Syria a Safe Country Gains Traction ― The El Hiblu 3 Trial Continues Amid Questions Over Latest Tragedy Off Malta

New data has shown that the Mediterranean crossing route remains the deadliest for migrants. Search and rescue organisations have faced yet more dangerous obstruction and delays by Italian authorities and the so-called Libyan Coastguard. Cyprus has voted to appoint a...
Mediterranean: 2023 is Record Year for Number of Migrant Deaths Along Borders ― Obstacles and Delays in Sea Rescue by Libyan and Italian Coastguards Lead to Death ― Cyprus’ Quest to Declare Syria a Safe Country Gains Traction ― The El Hiblu 3 Trial Continues Amid Questions Over Latest Tragedy Off Malta

Mediterranean: NGOs to Italy: Stop Obstructing Our Lifesaving Activities at Sea ― First Anniversary of Cutro Tragedy ― Prosecution in Iuventa Crew Trial Asks for Charges to be Dropped ― European Ombudsman Calls for Changes to EU Search and Rescue Rules and Inquiry into Deaths in Mediterranean

A group of NGOs that undertake search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean have called on the Italian authorities to desist from obstructing their work on the anniversary of the adoption of controversial legislation. Survivors and relatives of the victims of the...
Mediterranean: 2023 is Record Year for Number of Migrant Deaths Along Borders ― Obstacles and Delays in Sea Rescue by Libyan and Italian Coastguards Lead to Death ― Cyprus’ Quest to Declare Syria a Safe Country Gains Traction ― The El Hiblu 3 Trial Continues Amid Questions Over Latest Tragedy Off Malta

Mediterranean: Italy-Albania Deal Takes Another Step Forward ― Syrian Refugees Go Back and Forth Between Cyprus and Lebanon Despite Apparent Return Agreement ― More Crossings and Deaths as Italian Legislation Partly Blamed for 3000 Drownings in 2023

The Albanian parliament has voted to approve a deal for the country to house thousands of asylum seekers for Italy, despite protests from both opposition MPs and human rights groups. More than 100 Syrian refugees are stuck in limbo following a spat between Cyprus and...
Mediterranean: 2023 is Record Year for Number of Migrant Deaths Along Borders ― Obstacles and Delays in Sea Rescue by Libyan and Italian Coastguards Lead to Death ― Cyprus’ Quest to Declare Syria a Safe Country Gains Traction ― The El Hiblu 3 Trial Continues Amid Questions Over Latest Tragedy Off Malta

Mediterranean: Ongoing Crossings and Rescue Efforts Despite Criminalisation of Rescue Organisations by Italian Authorities – Open Arms Ship Facing 20-Days of Detention While Ocean Viking Returns to Sea – Italian MPs Approve Migration Deal With Albania – Cyprus Praised for “Successful” Migration Strategy Amid Increase in Far-right Violence

Despite the death of at least 75 people in the Mediterranean since the beginning of 2024, people continue risking their lives to reach European shores. The Open Arms rescue ship is facing a 20-day detention order while the Ocean Viking has completed its second...
UK: Government’s Claim On Clearance Of Asylum Backlog Widely Criticised, Questions Over Prime Minister’s Commitment To Rwanda Scheme Amid Preparation for Next Steps, New Details Emerge About The Death Of The Asylum Seeker On The Bibby Stockholm Barge And Humanitarian NGOs Start Medical Programme At UK Asylum Centre, UK’s Efforts to Decrease Boats Crossings Criticised By French Court, Home Office Report Fails To Include Any New Safe And Legal Routes

UK: Government’s Claim On Clearance Of Asylum Backlog Widely Criticised, Questions Over Prime Minister’s Commitment To Rwanda Scheme Amid Preparation for Next Steps, New Details Emerge About The Death Of The Asylum Seeker On The Bibby Stockholm Barge And Humanitarian NGOs Start Medical Programme At UK Asylum Centre, UK’s Efforts to Decrease Boats Crossings Criticised By French Court, Home Office Report Fails To Include Any New Safe And Legal Routes

The Government’s claim to have cleared the backlog of legacy asylum applications has been widely criticised. The roommate of the asylum seeker who died on the Bibby Stockholm in December 2023 has described unbearable conditions on the barge, and two humanitarian NGOs...