Report on Illegal Pushback and Border Violence

Report on Illegal Pushback and Border Violence

The Border Violence Monitoring Network has published a report which includes updates and a summary of recent policy developments related to violence and practices of push-backs at the borders of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Hungary, Slovenia and Serbia....
Germany: End of Church Asylum?

Germany: End of Church Asylum?

In the first quarter of 2019, Germany recognised only 2 out of 147 cases of “church asylum”. MPs and inter-faith associations fear the disappearance of the humanitarian practice and attribute the stark decrease to stricter criteria of the Federal Office for Migration...
Germany Rejects 75% of Greek Requests for Family Reunification

Germany Rejects 75% of Greek Requests for Family Reunification

In 2019, the German Federal Office for Asylum and Migration (BAMF) rejected three quarters of requests for family reunification under the Dublin III regulation from Greece. The high rejection rate draws criticism from NGOs and MPs who say the BAMF imposes exceedingly...
France: Systematic Immigration Detention further Undermines Rights

France: Systematic Immigration Detention further Undermines Rights

France continues to use immigration detention routinely and broadly, according to the annual report published by six civil society organisations present in the country’s detention centres. According to statistics published by the organisations, 43,609 people were...