Mediterranean: Italian Authorities Illegally Returns Asylum Seekers to Greece Investigation Finds, PM Meloni to Visit Libya as So-called Coast Guard Continues Violations, New Frontex Chief Promises to Respect Fundamental Rights Amid Pushback Controversy

Mediterranean: Italian Authorities Illegally Returns Asylum Seekers to Greece Investigation Finds, PM Meloni to Visit Libya as So-called Coast Guard Continues Violations, New Frontex Chief Promises to Respect Fundamental Rights Amid Pushback Controversy

A new investigation find that the Italian authorities illegally returned asylum seekers including minors to Greece and put them in secret jails. Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni to visit Tripoli as the so-called Libyan Coast Guard continues to intercept people on the...
Mediterranean: Italian Authorities Illegally Returns Asylum Seekers to Greece Investigation Finds, PM Meloni to Visit Libya as So-called Coast Guard Continues Violations, New Frontex Chief Promises to Respect Fundamental Rights Amid Pushback Controversy

Mediterranean: Ongoing Crossings & Deaths Amid Increasing Crackdown on Migrants & Civil Fleet, Meloni Government to Meet with Third Countries Involved in Rights Violations, A Series of Judgments By ECtHR Confirms Failures in Malta’s Asylum System

Alarm Phone’s latest report reveals a significant increase of crossings and distress alerts on the central Mediterranean in 2022 despite deaths and crackdown on migrants and search and rescue organisations. Italy’s far-right government aims to meet with third...
Atlantic Route and Spain: EU’s Strategic Partner Toughens Prison Sentences of 13 Migrants, Border & Migration Policies Blamed for Loss of Lives on Migratory Routes, Vulnerable Migrants Exposed to “Levels of Exploitation Close to Slavery” in Canary Islands

Atlantic Route and Spain: EU’s Strategic Partner Toughens Prison Sentences of 13 Migrants, Border & Migration Policies Blamed for Loss of Lives on Migratory Routes, Vulnerable Migrants Exposed to “Levels of Exploitation Close to Slavery” in Canary Islands

Morocco increases the prison sentences of 13 migrants from two years and a half to three years after Melilla massacre. Meanwhile, people continue to take life-threatening journeys to reach Spain despite the death of 11,286 people at the Spanish borders in the last...
Balkan Route: Commission’s Plan Focus on Returns, Reports of Pushbacks Continue Amid Investigations Highlighting Systematic Violence, EU Admits Croatia to Schengen Without Regard to Abuses at the Border

Balkan Route: Commission’s Plan Focus on Returns, Reports of Pushbacks Continue Amid Investigations Highlighting Systematic Violence, EU Admits Croatia to Schengen Without Regard to Abuses at the Border

The Commission’s action plan on Western Balkans is centred around border management, returns and readmission to third countries. The new study “Black Book of Pushback” documents 25.000 violent pushbacks across the EU amid investigations underlining systematic violence...