Editorial: Be Careful What You Wish For: EU and SAR in the Med

Editorial: Be Careful What You Wish For: EU and SAR in the Med

Since Ursula von der Leyen’s visit to Lampedusa last week, rumours have circulated that the EU is considering a new naval mission in the Mediterranean. Even before the recent arrivals, Italy had requested EU action, faced with a challenging situation and the perennial...
EU Eastern Borders: Poland’s Conservative Party Shaken by Visa-for-Cash Scandal, Polish Doctor Treating Refugees Say Patients Asked for Longer Hospitalisation Fearing Pushback, Commission Wants to Admit Bulgaria to Schengen Zone Amid Reports of “Endemic” in Corruption in Asylum & Migration and Rise of Violent Pushbacks Along its Border with Turkiye

EU Eastern Borders: Poland’s Conservative Party Shaken by Visa-for-Cash Scandal, Polish Doctor Treating Refugees Say Patients Asked for Longer Hospitalisation Fearing Pushback, Commission Wants to Admit Bulgaria to Schengen Zone Amid Reports of “Endemic” in Corruption in Asylum & Migration and Rise of Violent Pushbacks Along its Border with Turkiye

In Poland complicity of the far-right ruling party in visa-for-cash scandal damages its ambitions in governance ahead of planned national elections. An investigation by Info Migrants reveals that border officers or government officials in Bulgaria ask for money from...
Greece: Forty Survivors of Pylos Tragedy File Criminal Complaint Against Authorities, Minister Resigns over Blue Horizon Death, Pushback Orders to Border Guards Given by Top Officials, Refugees Evacuated from Camps to House Flood Victims, Non-response to Distress Calls Continue

Greece: Forty Survivors of Pylos Tragedy File Criminal Complaint Against Authorities, Minister Resigns over Blue Horizon Death, Pushback Orders to Border Guards Given by Top Officials, Refugees Evacuated from Camps to House Flood Victims, Non-response to Distress Calls Continue

Forty survivors of the deadly Pylos shipwreck filed a criminal complaint demanding an immediate investigation of the tragedy. The minister of shipping expressed “shock” and resigned after the incident of Blue Horizon, owned by the same company that detains and arrests...