Greece: Nationality-based Detention in the Moria Refugee Camp

Greece: Nationality-based Detention in the Moria Refugee Camp

The NGO HIAS recently published a policy brief entitled ‘Locked Up Without Rights’ concerning the legal framework regulating the detention of asylum seekers in Greece and the use of automatic detention of single males based on their nationality. The policy of...

ECRE Publications

Policy Notes Comments Papers Policy Papers Working Papers Legal Notes AIDA Publications ECRE PublicationsAccess, Borders and Schengen ― Common European Asylum System ― EU External Relations ― Vulnerable Groups ― Resettlement, Complementary Pathways and Relocation ―...
JHA Council: New Proposals, Old Problems

JHA Council: New Proposals, Old Problems

A German non-paper on a reform of the common European asylum system proposes a new distribution mechanism for asylum seekers in the EU and the processing of asylum application in transit centres at the external EU borders. German ECRE member Pro Asyl warns of...