Spain: 55 Jump Fence to Melilla

Spain: 55 Jump Fence to Melilla

On early morning of 6 April, 55 people of a group of around 260 managed to jump the fence between Morocco and the Spanish enclave Melilla. 20 were injured. Rights organisation call for their right to request international protection and hygienic measures against...
Joint Communication on EU Strategy with Africa

Joint Communication on EU Strategy with Africa

This Monday, the European External Action Service and the European Commission (EC) published a Joint Communication: Towards a comprehensive strategy with Africa which sets out the vision of the two institutions regarding the future EU-Africa partnership. It suggests...
Spain: Inhuman Reception Conditions for Children in Melilla

Spain: Inhuman Reception Conditions for Children in Melilla

On 10 March 2020, the Spanish newspaper El Pais published pictures of the reception centre La Purísima for unaccompanied minors, in the suburbs of Melilla, Spain, revealing a poor living conditions for the children hosted there. Pictures from the centre hosting 600...