Belgium: Refugees Enduring “Unacceptable, Inhumane & Degrading” Conditions as Reception Crisis Continues, De Moor Blames Lack of Reception Facilities on “Disproportionate Influx”, ECtHR Applies Another Interim Measure on Right to Reception

Belgium: Refugees Enduring “Unacceptable, Inhumane & Degrading” Conditions as Reception Crisis Continues, De Moor Blames Lack of Reception Facilities on “Disproportionate Influx”, ECtHR Applies Another Interim Measure on Right to Reception

“Unacceptable” asylum and reception conditions in Belgium continues to leave thousands of people including vulnerable groups in the streets of Europe’s capital. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) applies interim measure for the second time in the last few...
Greece: Violations and Deflection Continue as Does EU Support and Will-full ‘Ignorance’, EUAA Joins Frontex on Controversy List, Unsafe Türkiye Remains ‘Safe’ Third Country  

Greece: Paradox – Greek Government Defines Türkiye a “Shame for Civilization” Amid Stand-off Over Abuse of 92 People in Evros but Deems the Country Safe for Asylum Seekers, Crack-down on NGOs Continue as Smear Campaign Backfires

The recovery of 92 bruised and naked men in the Evros region after they crossed from Türkiye has sparked condemnation from the Greek government that paradoxically deems the country safe for asylum seekers. The crack-down on NGOs supporting asylum seekers and refugees...