Editorial: Egypt plays the migration game

Editorial: Egypt plays the migration game

At the Salzburg Summit little seems to have been decided on migration, with the media focusing on the ongoing Brexit debacle or other stories entirely. The main news was contained in the opening announcement from Donald Tusk, President of the Council, and Sebastian...
More talking, less saving, still drowning

More talking, less saving, still drowning

As EU member states interior ministers attended an informal meeting of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers to discuss migration and external border security, the situation on the Mediterranean continues to worsen with the death toll rising and two Italian vessels...
Op-Ed: Forgotten at the gates of Europe

Op-Ed: Forgotten at the gates of Europe

By Claudia Bonamini, Policy & Advocacy Officer, Jesuit Refugee Service Europe “Nothing new under the sun” we were thinking, slightly concerned, at JRS Europe, when we started analysing the more than 100 interviews our partners conducted with forced migrants in six...