ECRE Comments Paper: Regulation on Asylum and Migration Management

ECRE Comments Paper: Regulation on Asylum and Migration Management

ECRE has published a comments paper on the Regulation on asylum and migration management. The aim of the comments paper is to highlight both the major changes from the current (Dublin) system, potential areas of legal uncertainty and legal challenges. It also includes...
AIDA Country Report on the Netherlands – 2023 Update

AIDA Country Report on the Netherlands – 2023 Update

The updated AIDA Country Report on the Netherlands provides a detailed overview of legislative and practice-related developments in asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers and content of international protection in 2023. It also includes...
AIDA Country Report on the United Kingdom – 2023 Update

AIDA Country Report on the United Kingdom – 2023 Update

The updated AIDA Country Report on the United Kingdom provides a detailed overview of legislative and practice-related developments in asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers, content of international protection in 2023. It is accompanied...
AIDA Country Report on Sweden – 2023 Update

AIDA Country Report on Sweden – 2023 Update

The updated AIDA Country Report on Sweden provides a detailed overview of legislative and practice-related developments in asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers, content of international protection and both the procedure for and content...
UK: Rwanda Bill Finally Adopted Amid High-level Criticism ― Rwanda Scheme: Doubts About Civil Service Compliance And Concerns About Airline ‘Complicity’ in Human Rights Violations ― More Migrant Deaths in Channel ― NGO Predicts ‘Meltdown’ of Asylum System

UK: Rwanda Bill Finally Adopted Amid High-level Criticism ― Rwanda Scheme: Doubts About Civil Service Compliance And Concerns About Airline ‘Complicity’ in Human Rights Violations ― More Migrant Deaths in Channel ― NGO Predicts ‘Meltdown’ of Asylum System

The Rwanda Bill has finally been adopted but it has immediately drawn criticism from various high-level sources, including the Council of Europe and the United Nations. The civil service trade union has warned the government that it is considering a legal challenge if...
EU External Partners: Ombudsman Renews Inquiry into EU-Tunisia Deal ― Auditors Raise Concerns About Implementation of EU Deal with Türkiye ― EU Migration Deal with Lebanon May Be Imminent ― NGOs Highlight Critical State of Education in Gaza While Germany Announces Resumption of Humanitarian Aid

EU External Partners: Ombudsman Renews Inquiry into EU-Tunisia Deal ― Auditors Raise Concerns About Implementation of EU Deal with Türkiye ― EU Migration Deal with Lebanon May Be Imminent ― NGOs Highlight Critical State of Education in Gaza While Germany Announces Resumption of Humanitarian Aid

The European Ombudsman has renewed her inquiry into human rights issues stemming from the EU-Tunisia Memorandum of Understanding. A new report by the European Court of Auditors has criticised the lack of impact of the EU Facility for Refugees in Turkey. The President...
EU Eastern Borders: Finland Closes its Border with Russia Indefinitely Despite Criticism ― Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia Oppose Implementation of New EU Migration Pact While Lithuania Prefers to Pay ― Northern Latvia’s New Asylum Centre Receives Support from Local Community

EU Eastern Borders: Finland Closes its Border with Russia Indefinitely Despite Criticism ― Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia Oppose Implementation of New EU Migration Pact While Lithuania Prefers to Pay ― Northern Latvia’s New Asylum Centre Receives Support from Local Community

The president of the European Commission has visited Finland’s eastern border to learn about Russia’s instrumentalisation of migration and congratulated the Finnish government for its preparedness.  The Hungarian prime minister has described the EU Pact on Migration...
Mediterranean: Cyprus Suspends Processing Asylum Requests of Syrians Enduring Unbearable Conditions in Lebanon and Syria ― NGOs Call on Malta to Halt Pushbacks to Unsafe Libya ― Refugees in Greece Face Systematic Abuse in Reception and Detention Centres and Denial of Rights, ECtHR Issues Another Ruling About Human Rights Violations in Greek ‘Hotspots’

Mediterranean: Cyprus Suspends Processing Asylum Requests of Syrians Enduring Unbearable Conditions in Lebanon and Syria ― NGOs Call on Malta to Halt Pushbacks to Unsafe Libya ― Refugees in Greece Face Systematic Abuse in Reception and Detention Centres and Denial of Rights, ECtHR Issues Another Ruling About Human Rights Violations in Greek ‘Hotspots’

The suspension of Syrians’ asylum requests in Cyprus is reportedly aimed at pressuring the EU to designate some parts of Syria as a safe country. Malta continues to co-operate with the so-called Libyan Coast Guard despite well-documented violations against migrants in...
Italy: New Reports Highlight Violations of Basic Refugee Rights Including Detention of Minors ― Prime Minister Signs Three Agreements with Tunisia to Curb Migration as EU Ombudsman Launches Inquiry Into EU-Tunisia Deal ― New Plans for Migrant Workers Launched to Fill Labour Shortages ― Interior Minister Vows to Increase Number of Repatriation Centres ― All Charges Against Iuventa Crew Dropped

Italy: New Reports Highlight Violations of Basic Refugee Rights Including Detention of Minors ― Prime Minister Signs Three Agreements with Tunisia to Curb Migration as EU Ombudsman Launches Inquiry Into EU-Tunisia Deal ― New Plans for Migrant Workers Launched to Fill Labour Shortages ― Interior Minister Vows to Increase Number of Repatriation Centres ― All Charges Against Iuventa Crew Dropped

The digital system launched in 2023 has shifted the barriers to accessing the asylum procedure and made them less visible to the public, according to a new report by the International Rescue Committee. Following the Prime Minister’s fourth visit of the year to...
UK: Rwanda Bill Approaches Finishing Line as Implementation Obstacles Continue to Grow ― Government Looking to Negotiate Migration Deals with Other Countries ― NGOs Planning ‘People’s Inquiry’ to Campaign for Closure of Accommodation Barge ― Asylum Seekers Moved Off Largest Accommodation Site Due to Safety Risks ― Dozens of Home Office Staff Under Criminal Investigation

UK: Rwanda Bill Approaches Finishing Line as Implementation Obstacles Continue to Grow ― Government Looking to Negotiate Migration Deals with Other Countries ― NGOs Planning ‘People’s Inquiry’ to Campaign for Closure of Accommodation Barge ― Asylum Seekers Moved Off Largest Accommodation Site Due to Safety Risks ― Dozens of Home Office Staff Under Criminal Investigation

After another week of ‘parliamentary ping-pong’, the final vote on the Rwanda bill is expected to take place within days but issues relating to legal challenges, airlines and housing continue to jeopardise the eventual implementation of the scheme. Despite the ongoing...