EU Southern Borders: Deaths Off Spain and Morocco as Amnesty Denounces the Failure to Ensure Justice for Melilla Victims, More Than 500 Survivors Disembark in Italy, Frontex Facilitates Interception and Return to Libya

EU Southern Borders: Deaths Off Spain and Morocco as Amnesty Denounces the Failure to Ensure Justice for Melilla Victims, More Than 500 Survivors Disembark in Italy, Frontex Facilitates Interception and Return to Libya

Two deadly tragedies off Spain and Morocco as new report from Amnesty International denounces the failure by authorities in both countries: “to provide truth and ensure justice for at least 37 sub-Saharan African people killed and 77 others still missing”. More than...
UK: Braverman Denounced for Welcoming a Report Calling for a Crackdown on Asylum Seekers, Albanian Children Go Missing Amid UK-Albania Negotiation to Return Asylum Seekers to “safe” Albania, Reports of Inhumane Conditions in Reception Facilities Continue Emerging, No Afghans Resettled to UK Despite Promises

UK: Braverman Denounced for Welcoming a Report Calling for a Crackdown on Asylum Seekers, Albanian Children Go Missing Amid UK-Albania Negotiation to Return Asylum Seekers to “safe” Albania, Reports of Inhumane Conditions in Reception Facilities Continue Emerging, No Afghans Resettled to UK Despite Promises

Braverman “welcomes” a report calling for a radical crackdown on asylum seekers while UNHCR criticised it for “factual and legal errors”. Investigation reveals that 20 per cent of Albanian child asylum seekers go missing from reception facilities amid UK-Albania...
Mediterranean: Pope Urges Common Solutions – Meloni Urges EU Cooperation to Stem Arrivals to Italy, Trial Against Civilian Rescuers Again Postponed, Civil Fleets Continue Rescues in Face of Harassment by So-called Libyan Coast Guard

Mediterranean: Pope Urges Common Solutions – Meloni Urges EU Cooperation to Stem Arrivals to Italy, Trial Against Civilian Rescuers Again Postponed, Civil Fleets Continue Rescues in Face of Harassment by So-called Libyan Coast Guard

As Pope Francis urges common solutions calling deaths “avoidable”, Italy’s Prime Minister Meloni continues to push EU support to stem arrivals. Trial of civilian rescuers in Italy initiated five years ago has again been postponed due to mistakes by the public...
Balkan Route: Commission’s Plan Focus on Returns, Reports of Pushbacks Continue Amid Investigations Highlighting Systematic Violence, EU Admits Croatia to Schengen Without Regard to Abuses at the Border

Balkan Route: Commission’s Plan Focus on Returns, Reports of Pushbacks Continue Amid Investigations Highlighting Systematic Violence, EU Admits Croatia to Schengen Without Regard to Abuses at the Border

The Commission’s action plan on Western Balkans is centred around border management, returns and readmission to third countries. The new study “Black Book of Pushback” documents 25.000 violent pushbacks across the EU amid investigations underlining systematic violence...
ECRE Reaction: No Majority for Instrumentalisation Regulation

ECRE Reaction: No Majority for Instrumentalisation Regulation

We welcome the fact that no majority could be found in the Council on the Instrumentalisation Regulation today. This demonstrates that, while the right to asylum in Europe is under threat, a sizeable group of Member States is ready to step up to defend it. ECRE and...