IRELAND: More than 3,000 unaccommodated protection applicants on first anniversary of ‘No accommodation policy’ ― Report reveals violence and harassment experienced by volunteers helping protection applicants ― Significant reduction in protection applications in past six months

IRELAND: More than 3,000 unaccommodated protection applicants on first anniversary of ‘No accommodation policy’ ― Report reveals violence and harassment experienced by volunteers helping protection applicants ― Significant reduction in protection applications in past six months

The number of protection applicants without accommodation has surpassed 3,000 and the situation has been exacerbated by the end of the government’s cold weather initiative. A new NGO report has revealed the “harrowing conditions” experienced by volunteers who help...
ATLANTIC ROUTE and SPAIN: ‘All-time record’ number of migrant arrivals on the Canary Islands in 2024 ― Crossing attempts and rescues continue on Atlantic route ― Spanish authorities announce ‘most comprehensive and ambitious’ migration reform in more than a decade

ATLANTIC ROUTE and SPAIN: ‘All-time record’ number of migrant arrivals on the Canary Islands in 2024 ― Crossing attempts and rescues continue on Atlantic route ― Spanish authorities announce ‘most comprehensive and ambitious’ migration reform in more than a decade

There has been an “unprecedented increase” in the number of irregular arrivals on the Canary Islands in 2024. People are continuing to try to reach the Canary Islands from northwest Africa despite the huge risks involved in trying to make the crossing. The Spanish...
UK: People stranded on Diego Garcia for years finally relocated to UK ― Government signs joint statement with Iraq as part of its ‘Smash the gangs’ policy ― Small boat arrivals surpass 20,000 since change of government ― France warns of ‘showdown’ with UK over irregular Channel crossings ― More evidence of ‘brutal and inhumane’ conditions in UK migration centre revealed ― Final asylum applicants leave Bibby Stockholm barge

UK: People stranded on Diego Garcia for years finally relocated to UK ― Government signs joint statement with Iraq as part of its ‘Smash the gangs’ policy ― Small boat arrivals surpass 20,000 since change of government ― France warns of ‘showdown’ with UK over irregular Channel crossings ― More evidence of ‘brutal and inhumane’ conditions in UK migration centre revealed ― Final asylum applicants leave Bibby Stockholm barge

Most of the people who have been stranded on the remote Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia for more than three years have finally been relocated to the UK. The government has signed a joint statement with Iraq, as part of its efforts to tackle the people-smuggling...
GREECE: Greek authorities accused of yet another maritime pushback ― Investigation reveals that Greek authorities knew that ‘Pylos 9’ were not human traffickers ― UNHCR expresses concern about deaths in Aegean ― UN raises concerns about identification and protection of victims of human trafficking in migration centre in Samos ― Protests in refugee camps over lack of interpreters

GREECE: Greek authorities accused of yet another maritime pushback ― Investigation reveals that Greek authorities knew that ‘Pylos 9’ were not human traffickers ― UNHCR expresses concern about deaths in Aegean ― UN raises concerns about identification and protection of victims of human trafficking in migration centre in Samos ― Protests in refugee camps over lack of interpreters

Authorities in Greece have been accused of yet another maritime pushback. A journalistic investigation has revealed that the Greek authorities were aware that the nine people who they imprisoned for almost a year on charges relating to one of the Mediterranean’s...
EU EXTERNAL PARTNERS: Egypt to ratify controversial new asylum law ― European Ombudsman finds maladministration by Commission regarding EU-Tunisia deal ― Civil society activists taken into custody in ‘anti-terrorism’ investigation in Tunisia

EU EXTERNAL PARTNERS: Egypt to ratify controversial new asylum law ― European Ombudsman finds maladministration by Commission regarding EU-Tunisia deal ― Civil society activists taken into custody in ‘anti-terrorism’ investigation in Tunisia

Egypt is on the verge of ratifying a controversial new asylum law. The European Ombudsman has found maladministration in the European Commission’s handling of documents relating to the EU-Tunisia agreement. Several civil society activists who support people on the...
MEDITERRANEAN: People trapped in buffer zone finally allowed to enter Cyprus ― NGO report reveals more evidence of pushbacks in Greece ― Italy removing staff from migration centres in Albania ― Decision about Malta’s jurisdiction in El Hiblu 3 case due in January 2025

MEDITERRANEAN: People trapped in buffer zone finally allowed to enter Cyprus ― NGO report reveals more evidence of pushbacks in Greece ― Italy removing staff from migration centres in Albania ― Decision about Malta’s jurisdiction in El Hiblu 3 case due in January 2025

All of the people who have spent the past six months trapped in the buffer zone that divides the north and south of the island of Cyprus have finally been allowed to enter the Republic of Cyprus. A new NGO report has revealed yet more evidence of pushbacks and abuse...
AIDA Temporary Protection Compilation on 2023

AIDA Temporary Protection Compilation on 2023

The AIDA Temporary Protection Compilation on 2023 is a compilation of the annexes on temporary protection (TP) that were attached to the 2023 updates of the Asylum Information Database (AIDA) country reports for 19 EU member states (MS) and three non-EU countries. It...
Hearings of Commissioners-designate 2024

Hearings of Commissioners-designate 2024

The confirmation hearings for the 26 people who have been nominated by EU member states to serve in the next College of Commissioners (Commissioners-designate) took place 5-12 November in Brussels. The 26 Commissioners-designate, who were assigned their prospective...