2022 Update AIDA Country Report: Austria

2022 Update AIDA Country Report: Austria

The updated AIDA Country Report on Austria provides a detailed overview on legislative and practice-related developments in asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers, the content of international protection, as well as the procedure for and...
ECRE Legal Note 14: The right to accommodation under the TPD

ECRE Legal Note 14: The right to accommodation under the TPD

This ECRE Legal Note discusses the right to suitable accommodation under the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD). Article 13 of the TPD requires Member States to provide temporary protection beneficiaries (TPBs) with suitable accommodation or means to obtain housing....
UK: Asylum Bill Passed Third Reading at House of Commons Amid Widespread Critique, Court of Appeal Told Rwanda Scheme Risk Breaches of the Geneva Convention, Current Asylum Accommodation System Running on De-facto Detention and Segregation

UK: Asylum Bill Passed Third Reading at House of Commons Amid Widespread Critique, Court of Appeal Told Rwanda Scheme Risk Breaches of the Geneva Convention, Current Asylum Accommodation System Running on De-facto Detention and Segregation

The “Illegal Migration Bill” passed its third reading at the Commons and will now go to the House of Lords amid widespread critique from experts. In the latest stage of the legal battle over the Rwanda scheme, Court of Appeal was told that Rwanda is an authoritarian...
Reception Crises: Activists Take Action as Thousands Remain Without Housing in Belgium, Police Violence and Protests in Dutch Emergency Shelters, Irish High Court Judgment Finds Failure to Provide Accommodation in Breach of EU Law

Reception Crises: Activists Take Action as Thousands Remain Without Housing in Belgium, Police Violence and Protests in Dutch Emergency Shelters, Irish High Court Judgment Finds Failure to Provide Accommodation in Breach of EU Law

As more than 3,000 asylum seekers remain without housing in Belgium, activists take over abandoned building to host 95 asylum seekers. Amnesty denounces police violence as tensions worsen in Dutch emergency shelters.  ECRE member, Irish Refugee Council “welcomes...
Eastern Borders: Lithuania Legalised Pushbacks Despite Critique, Polish Authorities Blamed for Ongoing Deaths Along its Borders, Pope Francis Urged to Call Out Hungary’s Abusive Practices Towards Refugees During His Visit

Eastern Borders: Lithuania Legalised Pushbacks Despite Critique, Polish Authorities Blamed for Ongoing Deaths Along its Borders, Pope Francis Urged to Call Out Hungary’s Abusive Practices Towards Refugees During His Visit

Lithuania passed a law legalising pushbacks despite critique. 43 people have died on the Polish side of the Belarus-Poland border since the beginning of the Humanitarian crisis. Human Rights Watch urged Pope Francis to call out Hungary’s abusive practices towards...
Mediterranean: Series of Deadly Shipwrecks off Libya, Tunisia and Italy, Malta Continues Non-response While Italy Continues Delaying Disembarkation of Survivors, Top Court in the Netherlands Stops Dublin Transfers to Italy

Mediterranean: Series of Deadly Shipwrecks off Libya, Tunisia and Italy, Malta Continues Non-response While Italy Continues Delaying Disembarkation of Survivors, Top Court in the Netherlands Stops Dublin Transfers to Italy

More than 100 people dead in multiple shipwrecks off Italy and north-Africa. Meanwhile, Malta continues non-response tactics and Italy continues to delay disembarkation of survivors and thereby limiting much needed NGO rescue capacity. The Administrative Law Division...
2022 Update AIDA Country Report: Malta

2022 Update AIDA Country Report: Malta

The updated AIDA Country Report on Malta provides a detailed overview on legislative and practice-related developments in asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers, content of international protection, as well as procedure for and content of...
UK: Asylum Bill Passed Third Reading at House of Commons Amid Widespread Critique, Court of Appeal Told Rwanda Scheme Risk Breaches of the Geneva Convention, Current Asylum Accommodation System Running on De-facto Detention and Segregation

UK: Rwanda Scheme Failing Promises a Year After Announcement, Conservatives Want to Take Greece’s “strict but fair” Policies as an Example, NGOs Urging Prime Minister to Scrap Plans for Asylum Camps at Military Bases and Ferries

The unworkable Rwanda scheme continues to face legal challenges one year after its announcement. Conservatives openly view Greece’s self-described “strict but fair” migration policies as a model to follow. The British government is giving itself powers to turn bases...