Malta’s new migration strategy ends automatic detention

8 January 2016 Malta has introduced a new migration strategy which ends its practice of automatic detention of people that have entered the state irregularly. It also introduces into national law, grounds for detention, and alternatives to detention. The reform means...

UK Government urged to do more to address refugee crisis

7 January 2016 A coalition of 27 aid and refugee agencies has called on the UK to improve the government’s response to the refugee crisis, while a report from the House of Commons International Development Committee (IDC) has released its conclusions and...

Sweden and Denmark introduce border checks

7 January 2016 For the first time since the introduction of the Nordic Passport Union in 1957, travellers by train, bus or boat entering Sweden from Denmark are now required to present a valid photo ID in a move by the Swedish government to control the number of...

New AIDA Legal Briefing on Age Assessment

7 January 2016 ECRE’s Asylum Information Database (AIDA) has published its fifth legal briefing on age assessment. Examining the core principles governing the treatment of children in the asylum process, namely the “best interests of the child” and the “benefit of the...

AIDA update France: a complete reform of the asylum system

11 December 2015 The French asylum system underwent a substantial reform in July 2015, as documented by the updated AIDA report. The reform introduced a “single desk” (guichet unique) where the Prefecture and the French Office on Immigration and Integration (OFII) are...