Unwelcome to Denmark: bill proposal backtracks on refugees rights

15 January 2016 The Danish Parliament debated this week a new bill that would further restrict the asylum space in the country: the proposed law will among other things authorise police to search belongings of refugees and asylum seekers and seize valuables worth more...

Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon are living in dire poverty

14 January 2016 UNHCR and the World Bank have partnered to publish a detailed collaborative report into the welfare, poverty and vulnerability of Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon. The report notes that as of December 2015, almost 4.4 million Syrians had...

Asylum reforms in Ireland will fail refugees

8 January 2016 A controversial reform to the asylum law in Ireland, the International Protection Act 2015, has been signed into law just 6 weeks after it first came before the legislature. The commencement date for the new law is yet to be announced. It streamlines...