Asylum seekers in the UK face destitution, hunger and poor health

22 January 2016 ECRE member, the British Red Cross, has found that more than 9,000 asylum seekers in the UK are destitute, without adequate access to food, accommodation and healthcare. Based on the experiences of asylum seekers in South Yorkshire, the report finds...

Asylum seekers in Bulgaria subject to violence, abuse and push-backs

22 January 2016 Human Rights Watch (HRW) has published a report which finds that asylum seekers and migrants are summarily returned to Turkey by the Bulgarian authorities, in violation of its legal obligations and the right to asylum. The research reveals over 50...

ECRE statement on Cologne and its aftermath

19 January 2016. ECRE condemns the vile assaults against women that occurred in Cologne on New Year’s Eve. Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. Everyone also has the right to feel protected by the State. The events of Cologne violated these...