A generation of loss and trauma: the children of Syria

18 March 2016 As the war in Syria enters its sixth year with no sign of abating, two reports recently released by Save the Children and UNICEF highlight the dreadful conditions faced by children in the country. At least 250,000 children are currently living under...

Say No To A Bad Deal With Turkey

17 March 2016 By Catherine Woollard (ECRE), Kenneth Roth (Human Rights Watch), Salil Shetty (Amnesty International) __________________________________________________________  “EU leaders hit a new low last week by proposing that Turkey accept fast-track mass...

At the camp in Grande-Synthe, it can always get worse

11 March 2016 Early this year, the humanitarian organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) was granted permission to build a camp near the makeshift settlement of Grande-Synthe, where thousands of people were living in appalling conditions. The camp, which has the...

ECRE Memorandum: ECRE letter to EU Heads of State or Government

Donald Tusk, President European CouncilJean Claude Juncker, President European CommissionEU Heads of State or Government   Brussels, 11 March 2016 Dear President Tusk, Dear President Juncker,   On 17 and 18 March 2016 the European Council will meet once again to...