UNHCR Global Conference on Resettlement for Syrian refugees

8 April 2016 On 30 March, UNHCR held a High Level Meeting on Global Responsibility Sharing through Pathways for Admission of Syrian Refugees. The conference achieved a modest increase in the number of resettlement and humanitarian admission places, bringing the total...

Joint Briefing on the European Border and Coast Guard Regulation

8 April 2016 ECRE, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) and Amnesty International released a joint briefing on the draft European Border and Coast Guard Regulation, highlighting a number of concerns. While they recognise the current challenges facing European...

#StatelessKids Youth Congress 2016 – registration now open

8 April 2016 The European Network on Statelessness (ENS) is organising a three day event to engage young socially conscious and active participants who are motivated to help end childhood statelessness. Currently thousands of children born in Europe are growing up...

Greece urgently adopts controversial law to implement EU-Turkey deal

8 April 2016 On Friday 1 April the Greek Parliament adopted Law 4375/2016, amid debate and speculation around the legal reforms needed for the implementation of the EU-Turkey deal of 18 March. The new law does not explicitly designate Turkey as a ‘safe third country’....

Joint briefing on the European Border and Coast Guard Regulation

  ECRE, the International Commission of Jurists and Amnesty International present their joint briefing on the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Border and Coast Guard. Download the PDF here: Joint briefing ICJ,...

EU must face up to risks of dirty deal with Turkey

01 April 2016. ECRE joins the calls for an immediate halt to the return of refugees from Greece to Turkey, scheduled to happen on 4 April. Opposition to implementation of the EU-Turkey agreement is mounting across Europe, following reports by Amnesty International...