Applications open for Odysseus Network Summer School 2016

15 April 2016 The Odysseus Academic Network of the Université Libre de Bruxelles has officially opened the applications for its 2016 Summer School on EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy. The Summer School aims at providing participants with a comprehensive...

Cities showing leadership in receiving and integrating refugees

15 April 2016 A new report by EUROCITIES emphasises the role cities can play in the reception and integration of refugees and explores how cities are adapting their services to ensure newcomers can integrate into the local community. EUROCITIES has collected...

FRA: Opinion on EU common list of safe countries of origin*

15 April 2016 The EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) has issued an opinion concerning the European Commission’s proposal to establish an EU common list of safe countries of origin. It considers that this may be an effective tool to process applications for...

No country for refugees: Austria shuts its doors

15 April 2016 After Denmark and Sweden, it is now Austria’s turn to reduce the space for international protection and to make its environment less and less welcoming for refugees and asylum seekers. Two months after introducing a daily and yearly cap to the number of...

Asylum seekers trapped in “no man’s land” in Hungary

15 April 2016 According to statistics made available to ECRE member, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, since the closure of the Western Balkans route, there has been a sharp increase in asylum claims in Hungary, with 4, 574 claims in March 2016, over ten times the...

Tear gas and rubber bullets for refugees in Idomeni

15 April 2016 On Sunday 10 April, refugees and migrants, stranded at the closed border crossing between Greece and FYROM in Idomeni, gathered in front of the fence holding signs and placards protesting against the border closure. The protest remained peaceful for a...

Blanket detention in deplorable conditions on the Greek islands

15 April 2016 Human Rights Watch has reported on the situation for asylum seekers and migrants on the Greek islands of Lesbos and Chios, in the wake of the EU-Turkey deal, finding that they are systematically detained in deplorable conditions. Since the deal came into...